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About Me

Top: Me making some fancy protein drinks for my sons soccer teammates! Bottom Right: St. Lucia Bottom Left: Party Planning, Little Dessert's for a 50th Birthday Party!

  Hello and Welcome to As Easy As Salt and Pepper!  I’ve been writing this blog for over five years now, and named it based off of what my little Swedish Grandma would say to me.  The gap in the blog is due to a move out of state, but I'm catching up on lost time and loving it more than I can possibly say; I hope you’ll love it too.
  I’m a Swedish headstrong Minnesota native ex-sales-turned-Hi-Class-female-do-it-yourselfer-turned-women-empowerment. My blog is unfiltered, uncut, sometimes containing food that doesn't follow the norms, projects and critiques of of things I find noteworthy.  I like to have my hands in many different pots and am always frugal.  I can have a sarcastic personality, like to laugh, want to make things beautiful and live this life I was given to the fullest.   I do projects around the house, both big and small! I’ll tackle stoning a fire-pit or fireplace to simple things like painting a room. I tend to “LOVE” a challenge and that’s when I started coming up with recipes! Sure… I’ve made things that have been terrible, but you won’t see those on this page! Mine are tried and true! I will add all kinds of information from recipes, to projects around the house, to health information you “might” want to know! My purpose: Eat well! Inspire! Build! Entertain! Have Fun Darn It...we only live ONCE!

 I hope you join me for the love of Food, Decorating and Fun!