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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Coffee NO MORE... A Superdrink Alternitive called "Tiffany's Winter Warrior Drink"

As winter settles in I enjoy warm drinks.   I will go for a coffee made with almond milk but know that I could have something with a little more health benefit.  So, the other day while walking around Whole Foods I was in the vitamin section and came across this new product by Spectrum Essentials called "Warrior Vitality Blend".  It's a blend of Chia, Maca and Cacao nibs with a natural Caramel Vanilla Flavor...what's not to like?  RIGHT???  The bag suggests putting this on yogurts, smoothies and in baked goods so I thought what the heck I love coming up with recipes.  Well, here it is all perfected for you all.  I of course put a little Swedish spin on this with the addition of Cardamom and think it's wonderful.  This blend contains 4g of Fiber, 37mg Magnesium, and 80mg of Potassium, It also contains 2.2g of Omega-3 (ALA) Fatty Acids.

"Tiffany's Warrior Drink"

* 3/4 cup almond milk (or milk of your choice)
* 1 tablespoon raw chocolate shavings
* 1 tablespoon of Spectrum Essentials "Warrior Vitality Blend"
* 1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
* 1/4 teaspoon Cardamom
*  1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1teaspoon Organic Raw honey

Method: Warm Almond Milk in Microwave with added Chocolate Shavings, once it's at desired temperature add the remaining ingredients, stir until dissolved and serve.  Makes one small coffee mug full, 


Here is the "Warrior Vitality Blend" and Raw Honey

In the process!

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